FIFA’s World Cup Magic: Orchestrating the Ultimate Spectator Spectacle

Helping FIFA keep the World Cup lively with entertainers for fans, VIPs, and royalty at each venue, all while juggling the logistics circus to magic them there on time and in the right costume








Event Support

FIFA needed to run entertainment activities for spectators at the World Cup stadiums in Doha, Qatar. In addition, multiple stadiums were in use on the same day, presenting a monumental logistics operation to ensure performers were at the right location, right time and right costume.

Ecosse 64 implemented to provide the Event Managers with a series of logistics, timings and reporting solutions to help them manage the event throughout November and December 2022.

Over the month-long competition, 250+ international artists and performers performed across eight stadiums, 64 matches and in public, VIP and Royal enclosures for various global audiences. Using, over 270 boards across eight separate workspaces were created, with a further five report dashboards to manage everything from contacts, performer types and equipment to logistics, timings and risk reports.

“Can't thank you enough for everything you've done - the timings work, the events are under control; amazing!”
Imad Bitar, Senior Project Manager
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