Rocking the Launch: Music Walk of Fame's Global Rollout Hits 30 Million

The Music Walk of Fame's launch as a UK attraction and global music platform featured a new website, CRM, and augmented reality. The campaign reached over 30 million people, boosting social engagement twenty-fold in the first week.


The Music Walk of Fame






Launch Plan

Create a go-to-market strategy and launch plan to announce the Music Walk of Fame as a major UK attraction and global engagement platform for music lovers. Develop and build a website and supporting technology stack to support the business.

Developed a loyalty programme to leverage merchandise, augmented reality engagement through the app, and pop-up events, driving fan advocacy and global exposure for the business. Delivered a new website, CRM and analytics platform to optimise marketing activity and drive revenue.

The initial launch had a reach of over 30 million people across TV, print and digital. First-week activity resulted in a twenty-fold increase in engagement across social channels.

“Nice one guys, this is great stuff!”
Lee Bennett, CEO, Music Walk of Fame
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