Turning Rugby Clubs into Goldmines

The RFU needed a game plan to help its regional clubs score more commercial opportunities. Teaming up with IVM, Ecosse 64 developed a playbook full of case study plays, guiding clubs on how to turn their facilities into cash cows.








Case Study Playbooks

The Rugby Football Union (RFU) needed to provide a framework and structure for its 272 regional clubs, to help them identify, manage and improve their commercial opportunities through better deployment of their facilities.

Working with International Venue Management as a partner, Ecosse 64 created over 30 different case study examples from clubs around the UK. Once developed, the case studies were shared with each of the UK’s regional clubs as a playbook to provide guidance/inspiration for revenue-generating opportunities.

One month after the rollout of the playbook, one of the clubs has delivered one of the suggested initiatives in conjunction with the Rugby World Cup, generating over £40k since the start of September 2023.

“Using the tool produced a brilliant overall profit, thanks again for sharing ”
Chris Glover, Derby Rugby Club
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